I have served as your State Representative for just over 130 days and it has been nothing less than a whirlwind experience. I hit the ground running after taking the oath…
The budget bill made its appearance in the House chamber yesterday just before midnight and minutes after passing out of the Senate. The timing of its arrival allowed the House…
The state budget bill is scheduled to begin its trajectory through the General Assembly with a subject matter hearing in a Senate appropriation committee this morning. Following the committee hearing,…
Friday was the scheduled last day of the regular legislative session for the year. This is the date by which all final action must be taken on bills pending in…
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a hot topic of discussion across the world. What once started as programs made for basic functions, such as a simple yes or no prediction…
Keep your family safe from tickborne illnesses As the weather warms up families often head for the great outdoors. Unfortunately, so do ticks and their bite often transmits Lyme Disease….
Keeping you caught up with issues impacting our state and our community. BUDGET Governor’s Office revises FY23 revenue numbers sharply downward. The revision came in the monthly report that is…
It seems that certain politicians forget that the money they are spending comes directly from the wallets of Illinois families. You work hard for your money, live within your means…
Rep. Coffey wants to help families in the 95th District take advantage of the world-class museums and educational institutions in the Chicagoland area. He is offering the opportunity for constituents…
April’s Business Spotlight is Cook’s Spice Rack, a family-owned diner in the North end of Springfield. Fred and Donna Cook opened the restaurant 24 years ago as a labor of…