Fentanyl is a national public health crisis. People, especially young people, are ingesting illicitly manufactured fentanyl without knowing it and dying at alarming rates as a result. Today serves as…
Since I have been a State Representative, I have seen many pieces of legislation pass through the General Assembly. I’ve seen both good and bad legislation become law in Illinois….
Yesterday at the Capitol we gathered for the 39th Annual Illinois Police Officer’s Memorial. Legislators and the community came together to honor the brave men and women who made the…
National Skilled Trades Day raises awareness about the value of skilled trades and honors the hardworking men and women who work in these professions. Thank you to all the skilled…
BUDGET Moody’s adds “positive” outlook to State of Illinois credit rating of A3. This moves Illinois further away from “junk bond” territory. However, Illinois debts continue to have a lower credit…
Electronic Notary System The Illinois Secretary of State’s office is launching a new Electronic Notary system that allows residents to notarize documents remotely. Through the state’s new E-Notary system, Illinois…
Administrative Professionals Day celebrates the workers who keep offices running smoothly every day. Thank you to all administrative professionals for all that you do! A special thank you to Donette,…
GENERAL ASSEMBLY Third Reading deadline for House bills. At the end of last week, the Illinois House of Representatives came to its “Third Reading deadline,” which represents the final date that…
I’m very proud to see House Bill 4733 pass the House unanimously, 112-0. I filed this bill to amend the University of Illinois Act. It allows that honorary scholarships may…
This National Work Zone Awareness Week, remember to move over and slow down when approaching work zones. With the summer construction season right around the corner, we all need to…