Fentanyl is a national public health crisis. People, especially young people, are ingesting illicitly manufactured fentanyl without knowing it and dying at alarming rates as a result. Today serves as a reminder the importance of protecting lives and doing everything possible to prevent individuals from succumbing to the deadly drug, Fentanyl.
According to the DEA, in 2022, 107,941 Americans died from drug poisonings, with 70% of those deaths caused by fentanyl and synthetic opioids. Fentanyl remains the leading cause of death among Americans aged 18-45.

House Republican Leader Tony McCombie, filed legislation to combat fentanyl to save lives across Illinois. HB3203, which is now a public act, had bipartisan support and allows pharmacists to sell fentanyl test strips over-the-counter to the public to test for the presence of fentanyl. Every action we take as legislators impacts lives, and this bill is one example of action taken to save lives in Illinois.

What is Naloxone?
Naloxone is a prescription medication that can block or reverse the terrible effects from opioid overdose. To learn more about this medication and resources available, visit the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) website:
Catching up with Coffey
House passes bill to combat fentanyl epidemic. The Illinois House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation sponsored by House Republican Leader Tony McCombie and co-sponsored by Rep. Mike Coffey to combat Illinois’ fentanyl epidemic and save lives.