Republicans set priorities that benefit the people of Illinois

Veto session adjourned last week and we have a lot of work to do for residents across the 95th District and Illinois. Unfortunately, the supermajority party refused to address critical issues impacting our state. The Speaker stood silent and decided to look the other way when Republicans and students spoke about the importance of the only school choice program: Invest in Kids. Without votes, the Speaker never called the bill which ultimately ends the popular program. This decision will have thousands of low-income families scrambling to find ways to pay for their children’s education.

As corruption continues to plague Illinois, specifically in Chicago, we have yet to have a proactive conversation on ethics reform in the General Assembly. At this point, it’s apparent that this topic is not a priority to those on the other side of the aisle.

My colleagues and I will continue to fight for the people in Illinois and propose legislation that benefits taxpayers and not politicians. We have an uphill battle, but our common sense legislation and priorities will have a lasting impact on Illinois families.

Republican Priorities for Illinois Families

  • Lasting Tax Relief for Illinois Families
  • Stronger anti-corruption laws & stricter ethics regulations for elected officials
  • More Transparency & Accountability from State Agencies
  • An End to The Moratorium on Nuclear Construction
  • Extending the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program
  • Continued Support for Our Law Enforcement
  • Holding Criminals Accountable for Crimes They Commit

Rep. Coffey Co-Sponsored Bill that Lowers the Price of Insulin: