Rep. Coffey’s Summer Reading Club

I’m excited to announce my 3rd Annual Summer Reading Program for students in the 95th District! This is a great opportunity for kids to enhance their reading and comprehension skills while having fun too.

My Summer Reading Program challenges K-6th grade students to read 8 books during their summer break. Books of 150 pages or more count as two books and can be listed twice on the form.

Students who successfully finish reading 8 books and return the form by the August 1st deadline will be invited to a special Fall pizza party. At the party, students will receive an official certificate from the Illinois House of Representatives recognizing their commitment to reading.

Submission Form

Student's Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)

List titles of the books you have read. Books with more than 150 pages may be listed twice and counted as two books.

Rep. Coffey's enewsletter