Legislators are back in session this week. This year, we have major hurdles to address with a projected budget deficit of $3.2 billion. There is no question our communities need fiscal responsibility from the General Assembly and a long-term plan to reduce the tax burden on Illinois families.
I will continue to advocate for and work to lowering the cost of living through property tax relief, reducing energy costs by extending the EPA zero-emissions deadline, and protecting small-business owners from burdensome regulations.
As session moves forward, the public can weigh in on legislation by filing witness slips. Witness slips are a vital piece of the legislative process. Before a bill is heard in committee, the chairperson will read who has submitted witness slips and whether they support or oppose the bill. This helps inform me and other legislators as to where Illinoisans and organizations stand, allowing us to make informed decisions when voting. Learn more about submitting witness slips here.
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