Rep. Mike Coffey Applauds “Makers on the Move” Bus Tour

The third annual “Makers on the Move” Bus Tour launched today to celebrate Manufacturing Month and State Representative Mike Coffey showed his support! 

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) and Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) work together to advocate for growing manufacturing jobs across Illinois. The 2024 “Makers on the Move” statewide bus tour will visit manufacturing facilities, colleges, and high schools across Illinois to highlight the innovative manufacturing sector and amazing job opportunities that are available.

>Listen to what Rep. Coffey says about growing manufacturing jobs in Illinois<

Further recognition goes to Ace Sign Company and Maxwell Lehman and Layne Rude from Capital Area Career Center (CACC) for their work on bringing the “Makers on the Move” bus to life.

Bus Tour

Rep. Coffey Announces his “Mike on Main Street” Business Tours

Springfield, IL…State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) is taking the initiative to further understand businesses in the 95th District. His “Mike on Main Street” business tours will start soon, and his mission is to hear directly from businesses and workers so he can better serve their needs to improve the business climate in Illinois.

“Creating economic growth has always been one of my priorities, and I will continue the hard work to ensure businesses and workers are receiving the tools and resources they need to be prosperous,” Rep. Coffey stated. “Illinois must adopt policies that create opportunities for businesses to thrive. I will tour several facilities across the 95th District and report back to the Illinois State House with potential solutions to improve our economy and workforce.”

State Representative Mike Coffey has scheduled tours with some of the most prominent businesses in his district such as Brandt, Selvaggio Steel, and O’Shea Builders. “Mike on Main Street” is more than just business tours, it’s taking action to boost the economy in Illinois by legislative policy making based on business needs.

Rep. Coffey continued, “As a business owner, I know there are many areas for improvement, and I look forward to working together with other businesses that strive for a better future in Illinois. The key to future growth in business is establishing a long-term goal and taking advantage of opportunities. My goal is to expand opportunities for both businesses and workers so they can contribute to growing our economy and have a better life for their families.”

Mike on Main Street” business tours will begin next month and continue through next year. Contact Rep. Coffey’s office to suggest a business that would benefit from a tour and legislative discussions.