How To Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity theft is unauthorized use of your personal information and it can have devastating effects on you and your family. Personal information such as birthdate, Social Security number, and/or account numbers are used to commit fraud or theft if stolen. Identity thieves often set up credit card, bank, or other accounts in your name and use them without your knowledge.

If you think you are a victim of identity theft, follow the recommended actions below.

  • Contact creditors involved to report suspected fraud and check whether any new accounts have been opened in your name or unauthorized charges have been made. Close fraudulent accounts immediately and change current usernames and passwords.
  • Setup a fraud alert on any credit card report and request a free copy of the report.
  • File a report with your local police. Get a copy of the report and file it in case your bank, credit card company, or other financial services provider asks you for it.
  • You may also consider “freezing” your credit reports. By doing this, you prevent release of your reports to lenders without your consent, to prevent criminals from borrowing in your name. You can always unfreeze your credit reports if you need to apply for new credit.

Safeguard Your Personal Information

  • When choosing online passwords or PINS, avoid using birthdates, family names, and street addresses. Create strong passwords which include letters, symbols, numbers, or even complete sentences.
  • Never provide any personal information (Social Security number, birthdate, financial accounts) over the phone, by mail, or online unless you are certain of the recipient’s identity. If you are not certain, contact the entity requesting the information by phone or email.
  • Always place outgoing mail in a official mailbox or post office and check your mailbox daily. If you’re going on a vacation, visit to request a “hold” on
  • Never carry your Social Security in your wallet or purse.
  • Click with Caution- never click on “Pop-Ups” while browsing the web
  • Ensure the website you are visiting is encrypted- “https” prefix in the URL of the website.
  • Use only one card while making online purchases

For additional information for online safeguards, follow this link.

Do not fall victim to online scams and theft by not knowing what to avoid. We are living in a society that relies on digital data, and hackers know this which is why tactics will be used to separate he or she from their personally identifiable information (PII). According to a release by Javelin Strategy & Research Identity Fraud Study, Identity Theft Affected 40 Million U.S. Adults in 2022 Totaling $43 Billion in Losses.