As your State Representative, it’s my priority to improve the quality of life for my constituents in the 95th District and across Illinois. I believe the best way to achieve positive solutions to state issues is to speak directly to residents, business owners, and professionals. Since I have been a State Representative, I have had the opportunity to tour several businesses in Central Illinois to gain better understanding of what they need from state government so they can succeed. Furthermore, it’s been a great pleasure building relationships with my constituents and helping them find solutions to state issues or concerns they have about legislation impacting their communities.

“Mike on Main Street”
I’m taking the initiative to further understand businesses in the 95th District. “Mike on Main Street” business tours let me hear directly from businesses and workers so I can better serve their needs to improve the business climate in Illinois. Building a stronger economy in Illinois will strengthen our communities and promote growth.

Small businesses are the backbone to growing our economy, and we have amazing businesses right here in the 95th district and Central Illinois.

Summer Reading Pizza Party!
Literacy skills are important to learn early on in education, which is why I hosted a Summer Reading Program to encourage kids in the 95th District to read eight books over the summer! The kids who successfully completed the program were awarded with a special pizza party at Papa Frank’s in Springfield, and were also given a certificate of recognition from the Illinois House of Representatives.

Congratulations to all of you who completed my Summer Reading Program!

Building Relationships
Over the summer, I traveled across the 95th District and met many incredible people. The conversations I had with first responders, senior citizens, and teachers provided insight into how much they care about the direction of our state and their family’s future.

Pet Adoption
This past summer, I hosted a Pet Adoption Event at Papa Frank’s to help rescue pets in need of a new home. It was a successful event and we saw several pets leave with new owners and a new place to call home. The Animal Protective League (APL) and their volunteers have done a wonderful job caring for pets and finding them a permanent home.

City Water Light & Power Tour
I had a great tour of City Water Light & Power (CWLP) and had the opportunity to see the process of operations firsthand and the hard-working employees. Thank you Doug Brown and Scott Rogers for your time and providing me with valuable information about the future of energy for the 95th District and Illinois.

Touch-a-Truck Event
Touch-a-Truck events are exciting for kids in the community. Not only did the kids get to explore police cruisers and a fire truck, but they also had the opportunity to have a positive interaction with our first responders!

Meetings with Constituents
My office is always open for my constituents and residents to share their voice with me. I have had proactive conversations with everyone who has visited me at my district office! I appreciate everyone taking their time to meet with me to discuss issues most important to them.