House Republicans have introduced legislation to protect funding for programs like Meals on Wheels that help Illinois senior citizens. House Bill 5911 will move $25 million from migrant welcoming centers to support the Home Delivered Meals Program instead and ensure our seniors can continue to receive this important service.
Senior Services of Central Illinois for example, have Nutrition Programs that help seniors in need. Home-delivered meals are available for individuals 60 years of age and over who are home bound and on a general diet.

Rep. Coffey is Fighting to Protect Senior Citizens
The rising cost of living in Illinois has a disproportionate effect on retired residents. Representative Coffey continues to fight for tax relief to make living in Illinois more affordable, especially for those on fixed incomes.
Senior Citizen Services
Illinois has a wealth of resources available to senior citizens that include caregiver services, senior discounts, travel opportunities, volunteer opportunities and more. To learn more, visit