Coffey Fights to Cut Taxes
In Illinois, certain politicians forget that the money they are spending comes directly from the wallets of hard-working families. During Spring session, Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly voted to implement a massive $53.1 billion spending plan. The 2025 state budget is a whopping $2.6 billion more than last year’s enacted budget with a staggering $1 billion for non-citizens. Wasteful spending by politicians in Illinois is hurting taxpayers.

Families work hard for their money, live within their means, and have every right to expect government to do the same. Instead, decades of reckless spending and borrowing has created record debt in Illinois. Failures to address inefficiencies in government agencies has led to overblown budgets. Anyone would expect more money in agency budgets would mean better services; however, in Illinois that has not been the case.
I haven’t forgotten that the state budget is funded by taxpayers which is why I’m backing legislation that keeps Illinois families at the top of mind when it comes to taxes. I hope the House of Representatives will take up these bills that would immediately offer lower taxes for Illinois families:
- HB 3195 – Repeals the death tax
- HB 2592 – Eliminates sales tax on motor fuel
- HB 3169 – Returns surplus taxes to taxpayers
- HR 130 – Stops the graduated income tax
- HR 24 – Continues exemption of taxes on retirement income
- HB 2986 – Limits state budget growth
Property Taxes
According to a Wallet Hub study released in February 2024, Illinois has the second-highest property tax burden in the country. Illinois has a statewide 2.23% property tax rate burden when all 102 counties are combined. The facts are clear, Illinoisans have one of the highest overall tax burdens – largely due to out-of-control property tax rates. Yet, as families struggle to make ends meet, the majority party has done nothing to address high property taxes. Instead, they focus on adding social programs to our General Revenue liabilities while failing to properly fund education and local governments as promised in the 1970 Illinois constitution.
State Representative Mike Coffey issued the following statement:
“Hard-working families in Illinois deserve property tax relief but the Supermajority party is driving up costs with their approach to policymaking. Rising property taxes drive families to other states to save money and I think we need to take a hard look into how we can lower property taxes and still maintain general revenue for state projects.”
Petition to Cut Taxes
It’s time to put Illinois families first, NOT the special interests!
Sign Our Petition to tell the reckless politicians who control Springfield that it’s finally time for relief from high taxes and fees. Add your signature now!