State Rep. Mike Coffey Demands Action on Soaring Property Taxes

Springfield, IL…State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) says Illinois must address the crisis of high property taxes in Illinois. As property taxes and homeowners’ insurance continue to soar, it’s becoming very clear that current public policy is damaging for homeowners across the state. Rep. Coffey wants to see immediate action taken from the General Assembly to address the rising costs of owning a home.

“Illinois lawmakers owe it to their constituents to address the crisis of soaring property taxes across the state,” said Rep. Coffey. “I recently had a constituent tell me their property taxes and insurance bill increased by $500 a month. This is unacceptable.  Families deserve relief but instead they are faced with property tax increases that are through the roof, gas prices on the rise, and grocery bills that keep getting higher.”

Illinois has the second-highest property tax burden in the country, and costs continue to rise due to failed public policies. The majority party has yet to have bipartisan conversations about reducing the property tax burden, even though House Republicans have legislation filed and ready to be voted on to provide immediate relief to Illinois families.

For example, House Bill 4354 caps the increase in a total homeowners year to year property tax bill to no more than 5% unless the home had substantial improvements.

Rep. Coffey continued to emphasize the need of reduced property taxes, “Until the majority party gets serious about reducing property taxes, our state will continue to see families flee Illinois in droves. It’s our job as legislators to work for the people of our districts, and I strongly encourage my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to work with us to reduce property taxes.”

State Representative Mike Coffey is a fierce advocate for lowering the tax burden on Illinois businesses and families and making Illinois an affordable place to grow a business and raise a family.

For more information contact Rep. Coffey’s office at 217-782-0053 or

Sign The Petition to Cut Taxes in Illinois and let reckless politicians who control Springfield know that it’s finally time for relief from high taxes. ==> Add your signature now!

Representative Mike Coffey serves the constituents of Illinois’ 95th House District that includes parts of Sangamon County, including portions of the City of Springfield and Villages of Chatham and Rochester as well as parts of Macon and Christian Counties.
