Rep. Coffey Hosts Summer Reading Pizza Party for Kids in the 95th District

Springfield, IL…State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) hosted a Pizza Party for students who successfully completed his Summer Reading Program. Rep. Coffey encouraged students in the 95th District to read eight books over the summer to improve their reading skills.

“I’m proud of the kids who completed my Summer Reading Program and really enjoyed talking with them about what they learned from each book they read,” said Coffey. “Reading is a vital skill to learn early on in education, and I’m happy to see the kids took the initiative to enhance their literacy skills over the summer.”

The Summer Reading Program challenged students to read eight books over the summer. The program is designed to challenge students to expand their imagination and improve their comprehension skills. As a reward for their hard work and dedication, Rep. Coffey treated them to a Pizza Party. Each student will also receive an official certificate of recognition from the Illinois House of Representatives to acknowledge them for reaching their goal.

Coffey continued, “Instilling good educational habits in kids will greatly benefit their learning and I think quality reading skills are essential to learning at a young age. Our kids need support as they navigate through early education, and outside programs help them to continue learning over summer break, which I think is remarkable.”

State Representative Mike Coffey will offer the Summer Reading Program in 2025, as it’s been a success for the past two years.

For more information contact Rep. Coffey’s office at 217-782-0053 or

Representative Mike Coffey serves the constituents of Illinois’ 95th House District that includes parts of Sangamon County, including portions of the City of Springfield and Villages of Chatham and Rochester as well as parts of Macon and Christian Counties.
