Rep. Coffey’s Interview on The Budget and Spring Session

Yesterday, I joined Patrick Pfingsten on WMAY to discuss budget negotiations (or the lack thereof), my thoughts on the spring session so far, and what Illinois needs to be a prosperous state. This year, Republicans have been left in the dark yet again on the budget making process. I’m disappointed that we have not had the opportunity for bipartisan discussions about a massive $53 billion budget proposal. Six years ago, our state budget was around $40 billion and now we see the highest budget proposal in Illinois state history with more spending and more taxing. The people of Illinois are tapped out.

In addition to budget issues, Illinois has the second highest property taxes in the country and our effective tax rate is double the national average. One of the main reasons Illinois is weighed down by property taxes is because the state has 8,000 different taxing authorities which is the highest in the country. If we truly want to turn Illinois around, we must have a government that creates economic opportunity for the state to generate revenue to pay for services and programs. It’s not good business and it’s not good for hard-working families.

Listen to the Interview to hear me discuss more issues facing Illinois

Rep. Coffey Discusses Important Legislation He Filed