Springfield, IL…State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield), along with other state leaders, has expressed his opposition to the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) proposed network consolidation plan. While the proposal has good intentions, it would ultimately create unemployment and mail delays for Illinois residents.
“The USPS proposal to redirect Springfield’s packages and unprocessed mail to another state over 100 miles away would be devastating to Central Illinois and families in the community,” said Rep. Coffey. “If this proposal proceeds, it would be bad for the economy and it would require hundreds of current employees to be laid off.”
The current proposal by the USPS would convert 58 Processing and Distribution Centers into Local Mail Processing Centers. This action would redirect Springfield’s packages and unprocessed mail to St. Louis, Missouri.
Rep. Coffey and community leaders are very concerned about losing local jobs, creating more delays in mail delivery, and the reliability of services to both residents and businesses. One of the biggest concerns is the delivery of medication for those who rely on prompt mail service to maintain their health.
Rep. Coffey continued, “We must do more to protect workers in Illinois because our communities rely on their services and I’m confident an alternative solution can be found that would benefit the USPS operations and residents alike. I don’t want to see unintended consequences arise from an issue we failed to address to the best of our abilities.”

The Sangamon County Board called the plan “short-sighted” and plans to file a resolution opposing the plan.