Springfield, IL…State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) continues to work with law enforcement to improve public safety. Ensuring public safety remains a priority for Rep. Coffey as he joins his colleague’s efforts to improve our laws to protect the citizens of Illinois.
“I’ve met with local Sheriffs and top local law enforcement officials to receive direct feedback from the ones who protect us, and their concerns about crime increasing remains high,” said Rep. Coffey. “There is a concerning trend of protecting criminals rather than innocent citizens and that must stop if we want to preserve law and order in Illinois. I have cosponsored legislation that will improve public safety and hold criminals responsible for their actions.”
HB5128– Add that the county sheriff must be a member of the Emergency Telephone System Board
HB5131– Timeline for DHS to remove an unfit person from county jail. Change language for unfit to stand trial to 20 days and add provision that requires payment by DHS to Sheriff for housing and caring for that individual after the 20th day and that the Sheriff shall not be held liable for any issues encountered after that day.
As of now, there is minimal data available to reflect the true impact of the SAFE-T Act; however, we all see the headlines, we hear from law enforcement, and we hear the outcry from local communities not feeling safe.
Rep. Coffey added, “While the SAFE-T Act will remain law, the General Assembly has the power to make amendments that would benefit communities statewide, and I’m committed to joining my colleagues to improve public safety for Illinois residents.”
The complete list of bills Republicans have drafted to improve public safety can be found here:

(Video) Rep. Coffey with Local Law Enforcement