FBI Issues Scam Alerts for Illinois Residents This Holiday Season

The Springfield Illinois FBI office is sending a scam warning to Illinois residents to watch out for fraud this holiday season including charity fraud. As scammers continue to change their skills, it’s important people are careful with their money and personal information. Residents should always be on the lookout for red flags and periodically check the verification of recent transactions for a possible scam.

In 2022 the FBI’s internet crime report showed over 14,000 Illinois residents lost roughly $266 million. This report alone ranked Illinois fifth in victims of scams.

Scams To Watch For Include:

  • Some social media posts that offer gift cards or vouchers, which may appear to be holiday promotions or surveys that are shared by your friends, could be designed to steal your personal information.
  • Some mobile apps, often disguised as games, can lead to the theft of personal information. Consumers should research the company producing the game or app and check third-party reviews.
  • Some other scams to continue to look out for include non-payment/non-delivery, investment, work-from-home, gift card, and charity scams. These scams will likely accept payments via non-traditional means.

Tips For Protecting Your Personal Information

  • Make sure you are buying things from reputable sources when shopping online.
  • Regularly check your credit card statement.
  • Do not click on links in unsolicited emails or texts.
  • Only open attachments from people you know.
  • Use strong passwords to secure credit card accounts.
  • Be careful when dealing with individuals outside the country.

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