Rep. Coffey Issues Statement on New Nuclear Power Plant Construction Vetoed by Governor

Springfield, IL…Recently, Governor Pritzker vetoed SB 76 which would have expanded nuclear power plants across Illinois resulting in an economic boost and job growth. State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) supported the bi-partisan effort to allow for new construction of nuclear power plants to help our state meet its energy demands.

“The current administration is only hurting businesses and residents by closing coal-fired powered plants and rejecting nuclear energy,” said Coffey. “Instead of creating job growth and supporting sustainable energy, the governor continues to please his progressive base with a soft approach to addressing our energy crisis and implementing solutions to a growing demand.”

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, electricity demands are on track to grow upwards to 50% by 2030. As of now, Illinois has no plan to meet the demands of energy and the concerns from both parties continue to grow.

This should be a priority and brought up for a veto override during Fall Veto Session. The nuclear industry has made significant advancements over the years including safety measures, and is a sustainable source of energy, yet Illinois has banned new nuclear construction for decades.