Coffey to Serve on Six House Committees, Including State Government

State Representative Mike Coffey (R-Springfield) this week was assigned to serve on six House Legislative Committees: Veterans’ Affairs, Public Utilities, State Government, Housing, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, and IT, and Public Safety Appropriations.

“As a representative serving the people of the state capital and the agencies that occupy it, it is only right that I serve on the committees that deal with state government, public utilities, and our state’s cybersecurity,” Rep. Coffey said. “I look forward to getting to work on these issues for the district and diving deeper into all of my committees. I am committed to being a bipartisan voice on these subjects and will influence the committee to put forth results-focused, commonsense legislation.”

Committee assignments were handed out this week by House Republican Leader Tony McCombie. Legislators are currently in Springfield for the first full week of session in the 103rd General Assembly. Committees meet at the discretion of their Democrat chairpersons and are not yet scheduled to meet. Committees are expected to get together and begin their work in the next week or two.

“I encourage anyone to reach out to my office with input on these policy areas and feedback on the legislation that comes before these committees,” Rep. Coffey continued.

Constituents can contact Rep. Coffey’s office with their thoughts on legislation in the General Assembly and these committees by emailing [email protected]. Find more information about the Representative and the new district at his new website,